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8 Incredibly Important Facts About Gut Health

Most people don't realize the importance of gut health. Your gut health is the root of many physical ailments as well as your mental and emotional well-being.

Here are 8 incredibly important facts about gut health!

  18462 Hits

Which Multivitamins are the Best?

Most vitamins claim to cover your nutritional needs. But in reality, there's a lot missing. If you look at the labels, many don't include 100% of the recommended daily amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. In fact, they include quite a bit less.

  3301 Hits

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May in the United States since 1949 and was created by the Mental Health America organization.

If you or someone you care about feels overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression or anxiety, or like you want to harm yourself or others call 911. You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline at 800-985-5990, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text MHFA to 741741 to talk to a Crisis Text Line counselor.

  2124 Hits

What is Paleo Diet?

It's not just one of the healthy diet, one of the ways to lose weight. But it's so much more.

Loren Cordain, PhD, who wrote the book The Paleo Diet, claims that by eating like our prehistoric ancestors, we'll be fitter and less likely to get diseases common to modern life.

  4042 Hits

FREE 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge Toolkit

Want an Easy To Follow Weight Loss Challenge? Always Wonder How To Lose Weight?

  2332 Hits

6 Tips To Staying Healthy

In today's world, it's so easy to get so caught up in the busyness of everyday life, that we end up neglecting the most important thing that we need in order to keep up with it all...our HEALTH. Want to know how to be healthy?  Here are 6 staying healthy tips.

  2598 Hits

Staying Well When the World is Unwell: How to Take Care of Yourself During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

So many things may be on your mind during this trying time in the world – finances, not being able to work, loneliness and boredom from staying home, and taking care of your loved ones while maintaining “social distancing.”

  2492 Hits

How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Many people think losing weight requires an equal combination of exercise and diet, but that’s not the case. Though the process might take more time, it’s certainly possible to lose weight by doing one or the other. Most of us have more trouble with diet than exercise, so let’s cut that part out of the equation. Here are nine natural ways to lose weight without dieting.

  1353 Hits

How Drinking Water Can Improve Your Physical Performance

Athletes, professional athletes, or just leisure walkers all need adequate hydration to perform well. However, depending on the intensity of your efforts, you might need more water than you think. It would be best if you stay adequately hydrated during and after working out, no matter your age or whether you're playing soccer or working out at the gym.

  1352 Hits

Why Dental Care Is Essential for High Productivity

Photo by George Becker

Productivity is a trait everyone hopes to possess. People can challenge themselves to improve their productivity levels, but without changing something in their routine, big or small, it's often impossible to improve their skills.

One of the benefits of good oral hygiene is that you can have increased productivity. You may not think that productivity can come from practicing preventive dental care, but small things add up. You may notice that your life has improved as a whole, all thanks to taking care of your teeth.

  1169 Hits

10 Exercises That Help Soothe Lower Back Pain

Are you among the millions of Americans with lower back pain? If so, you know how debilitating it can be. Severe cases can make it challenging to leave the couch and attend to daily living needs.

Unfortunately, medical treatments for this disorder have a mixed efficacy rate. What can you do holistically to help the ache? Here are 10 exercises that help you stretch, strengthen and soothe lower back pain — may they bring you relief.

  2791 Hits

The Best Four Techniques to Overcome Burnout in Your Work

Nearly 50 percent of workers in America say they feel tired at their jobs.

Workplace stress can be the beginning of a series of negative effects on your physical stability. When we talk about jobs, we usually think about salaries, creativity, effort, dedication, and talent. However, many industries, particularly health, construction, customer service, and design, have negative numbers for fatigue and stress.

  948 Hits

3 Pieces of Fitness Equipment You Can Buy That Are Good for Your Mental Health

Everyone knows that working out and staying in shape is good for physical health. It helps to manage weight, reduces the risk of heart disease, and makes for solid muscles and bones. But did you know that exercising is also good for your mental health?

  1156 Hits

Heal Your Gut With These Products | Improve Health | At Home Business

Heal Your Gut With These Products | Improve Health | At Home Business

Ten to eleven years ago, I lost a bunch of weight and started running. I've run marathons and half-marathons, and even a couple of ultramarathons (100 miles).

Along this journey of growing healthy and actually learning a ton about how to be healthy, I came across products called Plexus. They are all-natural plant-based products. Most are also non-gmo and gluten-free. There are products for nutrition and wellness, weight loss, gut health, and even skincare!

  2227 Hits

What’s the Difference Between Dementia and Normal Aging?

What's the Difference Between Dementia and Normal Aging?

Having experienced my Grandpa living with dementia, this topic is sensitive to me.

A diagnosis of dementia can have a huge impact on a person's life. Someone recently diagnosed with dementia is likely to experience a range of emotions. These may include grief, loss, anger, shock, fear, disbelief, and even relief. Some people who have dementia have a high level of movement between emotions.

  1791 Hits

5 Ways To Avoid Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a major problem for many of us. When you are feeling low or sad, you tend to gravitate toward food to find solace.  Invariably, after overstuffing yourself, you will feel terrible about it and will sink further into your sadness.  If you don’t want to be stuck in the rut and want to make some positive changes, follow the below tips to help you get started on a healthy journey.

But before that, you need to identify the causes that make you eat like that.

  3275 Hits

Coping With Uncertainty

Being a sensitive person and an author, social distancing and self-isolation feel familiar to me. There isn’t much adjustment as I already live a contemplative life, spending long hours in solitude. However, even for someone like myself who enjoys home alone time, there is a huge difference between choosing solitude and having it imposed upon you.

  3066 Hits

5 Natural Ways to Calm Your Child's Anxiety at Home

Being a kid can be tough. There are so many exciting things to learn and experience that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s common for children to experience worries, and parents must teach them how to cope when it happens. What easier way than trying natural ways to calm your child’s anxiety at home?

  1074 Hits

Dry, Oily or Aging Skin? What to Eat for Your Skin Type

Your skin is not only a source of outer beauty. It’s also your largest organ, so you want to ensure you’re taking good care of it. Lotions and creams can help temporarily fix dry, oily or aging skin, but eating the right foods can nourish it from the inside out. 

Do you need to know the best foods for skin repair, or do you just want to know your best diet for glowing skin? Here are the things to eat for your type of skin.

  1066 Hits

Mental Health Benefits of BJJ: Boost Your Memory, Focus, and More

When most people think about BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), they think about self-defense only. This is because BJJ is linked with MMA and it is considered as a technical training that helps with self-defense and nothing else. In real life, MMA is a complete exercise that not only helps with self-defense but it is an excellent way to help you boost your physical fitness as well as your mental health. Both physical fitness and mental health are equally important in helping a person live a better life so if you have already opted for BJJ, this will help you elevate your quality of life.

  1647 Hits

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