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Mental & Emotional Health

Whether you deal with depression, self-hatred, insecurity, and many other thoughts and feelings that fall under these categories, we hope that you will be inspired and encouraged by reading these blogs.

10 Ways to Relieve Headaches and Migraines

Millions of Americans suffer from migraines and headaches. A pounding head disrupts your day and leaves you feeling miserable. Finding effective ways to manage this pain is vital for maintaining good health and well-being.

Here are 10 ways to relieve headaches and migraines so you can get back to feeling your best.

  59 Hits

Why Hosting a Company Picnic Can Significantly Boost Employee Morale

Have you ever gone to a work-sponsored event? Even if hanging out with your colleagues isn’t your ideal version of a night out, the benefits of a company picnic are substantial. Attending one can result in numerous physical, mental and social gains, boosting workplace morale. Over time, these improvements can enhance both your professional and personal life.

Various studies indicate attending is better for you — and them — in the long run. So, what makes attending a company picnic so special?

  405 Hits

Healthy Summer Fun With Friends

Making time for your friends is an absolute must, so healthy summer fun activities is a must. Picture the natural terrain and soaking in the sunlight — it could be a breath of fresh air for you and your group! Plus, putting fitness first can ensure you and your buddies grow old and healthy together.

  347 Hits

Discover Empowerment: Success, Abundance, & Personal Growth with Enhanced Social Media Strategy

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a brighter future filled with success, abundance, and fulfillment? I'm thrilled to share with you some incredible resources that will empower you to unlock your true potential and make a lasting impact on your life and the lives of others.

  339 Hits

10 Exercises That Are Good for Your Body and Mind

Many people have a busy lifestyle, leaving little to no time to care for their well-being. Creating a healthy balance between your responsibilities and self-care is ideal so you can perform your duties best. If you struggle with self-care, you may benefit from performing activities that boost physical and mental health. Here are 10 exercises to help you care for your mind and body.

  506 Hits

The Best Healthy Hobbies to Start This Spring

Hobbies are an important part of life. They enrich our lives in countless ways, and they can boost our mental and physical health. If you’re looking to find a new passion, here are the 15 best healthy hobbies to start this spring.

  395 Hits

Healthy Living Tips for People Who Work From Home

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in a remote work environment is paramount. From getting enough sleep to eating right, balancing professional and personal life demands can be challenging. Luckily, there are many ways you can achieve that coveted work-life balance. Check out these seven actionable tips for staying healthy while working from home.

  753 Hits

These 11 Energy Hacks Can Improve Your Focus When Working From Home

Working from home has many benefits. However, many people still need help finding ways to focus better for remote work. After all, several distractions such as household chores, family, the TV and your smartphone can hamper your ability to perform well.

Get your groove back even on low-motivation days with these 10 handy productivity hacks when working from home.

  592 Hits

Healthy New Year's Resolutions to Feel Good Inside and Out

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the ups and downs of 2023. Now that it's January again, it's time to create a fresh set of New Year's resolutions. Here are some ideas you can add to your list to feel great.

  1213 Hits

How to Find Energy and Focus to Maximize Workplace Productivity

Your energy determines how well you can dedicate your focus and efforts at work. If you have less energy, you may be unable to keep up with the demanding schedule of the executive work that fuels your fire. Read these ways to find flow in your work environment for optimal performance. You’ll have improved long-term productivity at work because you’re balancing your energy with your schedule.

  608 Hits

Why Anger May Not Be ‘All Bad’

Anger is a powerful emotion that people perceive as negative or destructive. Everyone has asked themselves at least once, “Is it possible for anger ever to be beneficial?” When you think of anger, you might think of shouting, screaming, or violent displays of emotion. But what if anger isn’t all bad?  

“Your anger is the part of you that knows your mistreatment and abuse are unacceptable. Your anger knows you deserve to be treated well and with kindness. Your anger is a part of you that loves you” - Lyndsey Gallant.  

Anger can be a valuable and adaptive emotion that protects, reveals and motivates. You can also harness anger for personal growth, improved relationships and well-being.

Here are some of the positive effects of anger.

  754 Hits

7 Holistic Ways for Managing Seasonal Depression This Winter

Does the mere thought of December make your mood sink? Seasonal depression is a real condition that may have once served a survival purpose but causes many people misery today. Along with speaking to a psychiatrist, you may want to explore holistic methods to help you manage seasonal depression this winter.

  539 Hits

6 Reasons Community Engagement Matters

When was the last time you attended an open city council meeting or served on a committee to improve a nearby library or park? Many people take the amenities around them for granted, but they don’t arise by magic. They take the work of dedicated citizens committed to community engagement.

Perhaps you’re one of many who feel isolated and disconnected, especially since the pandemic. Loneliness is a modern epidemic that community engagement addresses, and anyone can participate regardless of their age, income level or living situation. Being a part of something larger than yourself when working collectively towards a better tomorrow heals your mind and soothes your soul.

What can you do? Here are six reasons why community engagement matters and how you can get involved.

  507 Hits

Living Healthily: The Cornerstones of Long-Lasting Well-Being

Achieving long-lasting wellness is a continual journey requiring adjustments, lifestyle changes, and the incorporation of essential healthy habits. Rather than viewing it as a fixed endpoint, it's more productive to see wellness as an evolving process aimed at enhancing one's quality of life. Be Healthy and More serves as a valuable resource for anyone committed to healthy living and looking to create a more balanced existence. By embracing these key practices, a healthier, more fulfilling life becomes a tangible outcome.

  655 Hits

10 Wellness-Enhancing Activities to Recharge and Thrive

In the hustle and bustle of parenting, it's easy for moms and dads to forget to prioritize their well-being. Juggling work, kids and household chores can leave you feeling drained. Here's a list of 10 wellness-enhancing activities that will help you recharge and thrive.

  828 Hits

How to Care for Aging Parents in Your Home

Making space in your home for aging parents isn't always easy, but it's something you might have to face as you look out for them. It's difficult to see your parents age, but the best you can do is make them feel loved, cared for and considered in your home.

Keeping them happy may mean adjusting things about your life or household, but it'll be worth it. You'll enjoy moments in your home with your aging parents daily, ensuring they're safe and happy.

  569 Hits

Mindset Growth Is Key To Success In Life - Learn Why It's Important!

As previously shared, I'm passionate about not just recounting awe-inspiring entrepreneurial stories, but also arming you with practical insights. Today's spotlight is on a pivotal element in the journey to success: Mindset Growth.

  670 Hits

12 Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning Routine For Productivity

Mornings can set the pace for the whole day. Whether you’re a student, a working professional or a busy parent looking to make the most of your day, having a solid morning routine can make a big difference to your mood and well-being. Here are some simple yet effective hacks to supercharge your morning routine and start your day off on the right foot.

  563 Hits

How to Increase Productivity and Wellness – 6 Workspace Hacks for Small Business Owners

Did you know that 85% of employees are not engaged at work, costing businesses billions of dollars in lost productivity? For small business owners, creating a healthy and productive work environment is crucial for your success.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll share six workspace hacks that show you how to increase productivity and wellness for yourself and your employees. Ready to transform your workspace and foster a thriving business? Let's dive in!

  566 Hits

The Science Behind Sleep: How Restful Sleep Helps Balance Work and Life

We could all use a little more sleep. When you become a parent, getting a full eight hours is as rare as it is important to your health. Those 3 a.m. diaper changes and bleary-eyed nursing sessions can really take a toll on your well-being, but uninterrupted sleep is vital. Here’s the science behind counting sheep.

  595 Hits

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