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Tips For Staying Healthy During the COVID-19 “Safer At Home” Order


When we hear the term “staying healthy,” we most often associate that with the physical, but your health is so much more; it’s also mental and spiritual! So being truly healthy means nourishing all three.

With that said, whether you call it “safer at home,” “quarantine” or “lockdown” we can all agree that this is the biggest pandemic we have faced in our lifetime.

And our lives and schedules have been severely altered as a result. As the reality of “social distancing” and “safer at home” settles into the fabric of our culture, here are some tips to help you stay healthy:

  1. Get outside and get your vitamin D!! Even if your local parks are closed, take a walk or hike somewhere and get fresh air and sunshine whenever you can! Even 30 minutes a day in the fresh air can stave the blues and help to keep you mentally healthy!

  2. Use a platform such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, Snapchat, FaceTime, or any other form of group online communication and have an online party! You could even plan a theme and dress up, like a PJ party or a 80s party for instance. How about an on-line board game night or perhaps host a virtual karaoke night using YouTube!! There are a bunch of free karaoke choices out there.

  3. Get some exercise! Now is a great time to invest in you and your physical health! Instead of eating every morsel in your pantry and fridge, try logging onto Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, or search out a fitness company that is offering virtual workouts on Zoom or another platform. Many of these companies are currently offering FREE or affordable online workouts to help everyone keep moving while gyms across the world are closed. Even if you can’t catch one live, there are several posted for later viewing. Even consider trying something new to you. Just get your movement in! This will not only benefit you physically, but exercise is proven to boost your sense of well-being and mental health by helping your body produce more of its own natural “happy pills,” the hormones dopamine and serotonin. To quote Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, “Happy people don’t just kill people,”...advice we can all use right now being cooped up together with our people. 🤗

  4. Keeping your mind engaged can be a challenge. Yes, Netflix, Disney Plus, and other streaming services seem to be the go-to way to pass this time in isolation. But instead, challenge yourself to READ! Think about a subject that interests you, but that you never had the time to indulge in. Whether it’s art, history, science, technology, or nature... READ about it! It will engage your mind and help you feel more mentally alert. Keeping your mind stimulated during this time will be essential to your mental health!

  5. Do not underestimate the power of your spiritual health. Why not try an online service or study? We were created to be together. That’s part of what makes this so hard. During this time when it’s best not to be, why not explore a church service, synagogue, mosque, or another spiritual outlet that you can connect with online? Most houses of worship are offering online services or studies right now. Getting in touch with and nourishing your spiritual being is truly the most important aspect of your health! When your spirit is well, it helps guide the rest of you to better life choices.

There are a lot of ways you can follow the current “Safer At Home” order and do what is best for all, while still taking care of your own health and well-being. I hope these few are just a springboard to get you thinking and acting! 

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6 Tips To Staying Healthy
Paleo Protein Pancakes

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