Discover Powerful Motivation: Explore Top Fitness, Nutrition, Business and Relationship Blogs for Life-Changing Tips and Strategies!

Mental & Emotional Health

Whether you deal with depression, self-hatred, insecurity, and many other thoughts and feelings that fall under these categories, we hope that you will be inspired and encouraged by reading these blogs.

Why Taking Photos While You Travel Is More Than Just Capturing Memories

There are many benefits of travel photography. Some believe snapping pictures can take you out of the moment, but it can actually enhance your experience. Capturing images during your travels is so much more than just capturing memories.

  422 Hits

7 Ways Stress Relief Can Improve Your Physical Health

People often push their stress aside when they have too much going on. You may need to focus on other responsibilities, but scheduling time to release tension could help you improve your physical health. Read these specific ways stress affects your body to get motivated about positive lifestyle changes that minimize it.

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Attention Small Business Owners: 3 Money Management Tips to Get Ahead

If your small business needs more cash, you might try everything possible to increase your savings. However, there might be some easy techniques you're overlooking. Your startup should already have a budget to adhere to, as it's the foundation on which you can build. From there, these three money management tips will help you cut back on spending and may even maximize your profits.

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Benefits of Downsizing: Why Millennials Are Turning to Minimalism

The minimalism lifestyle movement has been around for decades. However, it’s regaining popularity with millennials for a variety of reasons, including saving money and reducing expenses. Downsizing provides many benefits in addition to creating an uncluttered space.

The topic of millennials downsizing has been buzzing for years on a variety of high profile news sites and television programs, including "The Wall Street Journal," "TIME" and "Bloomberg." Living on less, reducing waste and saving money for experiences rather than stuff are all popular movements with young adults.

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4 Reasons Why Giving Yourself Grace Is Important

Giving yourself grace is incredibly important when working on getting healthy, both mentally and physically. Making significant changes to your lifestyle can be challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. If you beat yourself up every time you slip up or don't meet your own expectations, it can be demotivating and even counterproductive.

Here are some reasons why giving yourself grace is important:

  1292 Hits

How Fly Fishing Can Help Reduce Cortisol

Self-care looks different for everyone — some choose scented candles and warm bubble baths, while others take casual walks in nature. Then some prefer grabbing their rod and tackle box for an afternoon of fly fishing. Although it may not be your first option, fly fishing is an ideal remedy when you're under high stress.

In fact, one of the benefits of fly fishing is it can help reduce cortisol levels in the body. Of course, if you have little water experience, you might ask yourself, "What is fly fishing anyway?" Here's everything you need to know about this relaxing activity and how it can improve your health and well-being.

  686 Hits

Life After Brain Injury: Lift Your Spirit With These 5 Tips

Recovering from a brain injury is unlike any other rehab process. The brain is the most complex organ in the body, containing our talents, memories and personalities. A traumatic injury changes you in many ways. How can you regain your old life after the rehab stage? Follow these five steps to lift your spirits and rediscover your former self.

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Why Your Blood Type Should be the Map to Your Diet: Types AB, B, O, & A 

The blood type diet is when you eat according to your blood type to decrease the risk of chronic illness and improve overall health. There are four blood types — AB, B, O, and A. Each has a specific diet to follow to promote digestion, weight loss, and increased energy.

Here is why your blood type should be the map to your diet and food suggestions to follow. Learn about how to eat right for your blood type.

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Feeling Unmotivated? 3 Tips to Start Living Your Best Life

Everyone has goals for themselves. You might want to achieve a specific job, start a family or become a version of yourself that you’d prefer. The only challenge is that somewhere along the way, you lost the motivation that made you desire those goals in the first place.

If you’re feeling unmotivated in life, you’re not alone. Anyone can use these tips to start living their best life and maintain the ambition they’ll need to reach their goals. Think about what would most improve your life to transform your sense of drive — starting today.

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Health and Fitness Guide For Busy People

Whether your work schedule is returning to 'normal' after the pandemic or you want to make a concerted effort to adopt and maintain healthier habits, it can be challenging to keep up with health and fitness when you are a busy person. It doesn't have to be, though. With some determination, time management, and a good frame of mind, you can fit health and fitness at any age into your day-to-day life. Here's how.

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3 Ways Running Boosts Your Happiness and Confidence

Running is Healing

It’s common knowledge that running improves your health and fitness, but what about its effects on your mental state? Why does running feel so good when it’s supposed to be a grueling physical challenge? Is there a positive connection between running and depression, anxiety and other forms of stress?

  1299 Hits

Why Dental Care Is Essential for High Productivity

Photo by George Becker

Productivity is a trait everyone hopes to possess. People can challenge themselves to improve their productivity levels, but without changing something in their routine, big or small, it's often impossible to improve their skills.

One of the benefits of good oral hygiene is that you can have increased productivity. You may not think that productivity can come from practicing preventive dental care, but small things add up. You may notice that your life has improved as a whole, all thanks to taking care of your teeth.

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Why Owning Your Individuality Will Put You on the Fast Track to Discovering Your True Passion

Do you sometimes feel like your life is an endless charade of going through the motions? You wake up, feed the kids and get them off to school, go about your work duties, come home, cook dinner, do homework, and go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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The Best Four Techniques to Overcome Burnout in Your Work

Nearly 50 percent of workers in America say they feel tired at their jobs.

Workplace stress can be the beginning of a series of negative effects on your physical stability. When we talk about jobs, we usually think about salaries, creativity, effort, dedication, and talent. However, many industries, particularly health, construction, customer service, and design, have negative numbers for fatigue and stress.

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5 Natural Ways to Calm Your Child's Anxiety at Home

Being a kid can be tough. There are so many exciting things to learn and experience that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s common for children to experience worries, and parents must teach them how to cope when it happens. What easier way than trying natural ways to calm your child’s anxiety at home?

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Mental Health Benefits of BJJ: Boost Your Memory, Focus, and More

When most people think about BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), they think about self-defense only. This is because BJJ is linked with MMA and it is considered as a technical training that helps with self-defense and nothing else. In real life, MMA is a complete exercise that not only helps with self-defense but it is an excellent way to help you boost your physical fitness as well as your mental health. Both physical fitness and mental health are equally important in helping a person live a better life so if you have already opted for BJJ, this will help you elevate your quality of life.

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Who to Reach Out to When You're Struggling with Your Mental Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), following the COVID-19 pandemic, the current number of those experiencing depression and anxiety worldwide is approximately 264 million and growing. In the United States, depression is the leading cause of disability, while anxiety disorders affect 18% of the adult population.

Despite these numbers, almost 50% of those experiencing mental health concerns do not seek assistance. A SapienLabs study reveals that among the top reasons for this is not knowing what kind of help to look for and where they can receive it. Therefore, it’s important to underscore that there are many avenues through which you can find help and support during troubling times. With that said, here are some options you can consider:

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What’s the Difference Between Dementia and Normal Aging?

What's the Difference Between Dementia and Normal Aging?

Having experienced my Grandpa living with dementia, this topic is sensitive to me.

A diagnosis of dementia can have a huge impact on a person's life. Someone recently diagnosed with dementia is likely to experience a range of emotions. These may include grief, loss, anger, shock, fear, disbelief, and even relief. Some people who have dementia have a high level of movement between emotions.

  1682 Hits

5 Ways To Avoid Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a major problem for many of us. When you are feeling low or sad, you tend to gravitate toward food to find solace.  Invariably, after overstuffing yourself, you will feel terrible about it and will sink further into your sadness.  If you don’t want to be stuck in the rut and want to make some positive changes, follow the below tips to help you get started on a healthy journey.

But before that, you need to identify the causes that make you eat like that.

  3118 Hits

Coping With Uncertainty

Being a sensitive person and an author, social distancing and self-isolation feel familiar to me. There isn’t much adjustment as I already live a contemplative life, spending long hours in solitude. However, even for someone like myself who enjoys home alone time, there is a huge difference between choosing solitude and having it imposed upon you.

  2947 Hits

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