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General Health

Need an overall checkup? Check out these blogs.

Overcoming Fear in Human Design: Tapping Into Your Inner Courage for Growth and Expansion

When was the last time you felt afraid? Fear is inherent in human design, but overcoming it is crucial if you hope to progress, grow and expand.

You might not recognize how much fear is responsible for holding you back from honoring your lifeā€™s potential. Sitting with your fears in deep contemplation can sometimes be scary, but it puts them in perspective, shows you they are only human-sized and lets you act despite your trepidation.

  618 Hits

7 Ways Hydration Is Key to Great Health

Before reaching for your favorite soda, consider drinking a glass of water instead. Itā€™s essential for the human body, but not enough people stay efficiently hydrated. Learn how hydration is key to great health and vitality.

  330 Hits

Adopting Healthy Habits During a Life Transition

Thereā€™s no denying that life transitions can be hard, but they can also be a fantastic opportunity to make positive changes in your life. Whether youā€™re launching a business, quitting your job, or eliminating toxic relationships, you can use your major life transition as a catalyst for replacing bad habits with healthy habits. Be Healthy and More shares some ideas for doing just that.

  740 Hits

Why Skincare is Essential for Your Health, Not Just for Looks

Since the skin is the body's largest organ, it needs special care ā€” especially since it's exposed to all the external hazards of the world. Prioritizing the skin on your face is about keeping yourself physically and mentally healthy. Here are a few reasons you should plan to make a skincare routine for your health.

  410 Hits

What Types of Illnesses Do Urgent Care Centers Treat?

While ERs are important for true emergencies and family doctors are crucial to your overall wellness, urgent care centers also play an important role in modern healthcare. Since urgent care centers are a relatively new phenomenon, many people wonder at their purpose and what types of conditions/injuries they are able to treat.

  310 Hits

How to Build a Mindful Morning Routine to Manage Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety can creep in first thing in the morning, whether you're panicking over a work presentation or scrambling to get the kids on the school bus. That's why creating a mindful morning routine to reduce it is crucial to set yourself up for success. The more positive you are from the start, the better your day will be.

In time, you can count on a new morning regimen to become second nature, ensuring better mental health outcomes and fewer worries. Learn to let go of your anxiety and embrace each day with these 10 strategies for a more mindful waking routine.

  455 Hits

10 Unexpected Benefits Of Joining A Volunteer Organization

Joining a volunteer organization offers so many benefits, from enriching your own life to helping improve the lives of others. The old saying that money canā€™t buy happiness is often true ā€” it may require some selflessness and initiative on your part to create a more fulfilling life.

When you volunteer, you can create more meaning within your own life. You know that youā€™re giving and living something bigger beyond yourself. However, thereā€™s more to volunteering than feeling good about yourself. Check out these ten benefits and find a cause youā€™re passionate about today.

  737 Hits

Can Pregnant Moms Do Physical Therapy?

Pregnancy impacts nearly every part of a womanā€™s body. The mother's body must accommodate the growing child, as well as endure significant hormonal shifts, which often leads to a variety of aches and pains. With this in mind, many pregnant women wonder if physical therapy is an option during pregnancy and if it is, could it possibly be safe?

  535 Hits

4 Reasons Why Giving Yourself Grace Is Important

Giving yourself grace is incredibly important when working on getting healthy, both mentally and physically. Making significant changes to your lifestyle can be challenging, and setbacks are inevitable. If you beat yourself up every time you slip up or don't meet your own expectations, it can be demotivating and even counterproductive.

Here are some reasons why giving yourself grace is important:

  1325 Hits

Leaving a Fracture Untreated: What You Should Know

During a rough game of football, your shin gradually starts to ache more and more, until you almost canā€™t bear to put weight on it. Though you donā€™t recall a specific moment where your leg snapped or bent the wrong way, itā€™s starting to hurt terribly and youā€™re pretty sure itā€™s broken.

But do you really need to visit a doctor? Do small fractures heal on their own? Hereā€™s what you should know about leaving a fracture untreated and why itā€™s always a good idea to get it checked out.

  795 Hits

Why Your Blood Type Should be the Map to Your Diet: Types AB, B, O, & AĀ 

The blood type diet is when you eat according to your blood type to decrease the risk of chronic illness and improve overall health. There are four blood types ā€” AB, B, O, and A. Each has a specific diet to follow to promote digestion, weight loss, and increased energy.

Here is why your blood type should be the map to your diet and food suggestions to follow. Learn about how to eat right for your blood type.

  1147 Hits

Feeling Unmotivated? 3 Tips to Start Living Your Best Life

Everyone has goals for themselves. You might want to achieve a specific job, start a family or become a version of yourself that youā€™d prefer. The only challenge is that somewhere along the way, you lost the motivation that made you desire those goals in the first place.

If youā€™re feeling unmotivated in life, youā€™re not alone. Anyone can use these tips to start living their best life and maintain the ambition theyā€™ll need to reach their goals. Think about what would most improve your life to transform your sense of drive ā€” starting today.

  1140 Hits

What Are the Main Sources of Infection That Exist in Your Workplace?

Infection in the workplace is all too common ā€” with so many people moving around and touching things, exposure to coughs and colds is simply unavoidable. Yet, work is integral to our daily lives, something we can't decide to forgo in the name of health. Knowing the sources of infection in the office and how to prevent illness are crucial for your performance at work and the company's bottom line.

  796 Hits

Life After Brain Injury: Lift Your Spirit With These 5 Tips

Recovering from a brain injury is unlike any other rehab process. The brain is the most complex organ in the body, containing our talents, memories and personalities. A traumatic injury changes you in many ways. How can you regain your old life after the rehab stage? Follow these five steps to lift your spirits and rediscover your former self.

  673 Hits

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General Health
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