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Benefits of Downsizing: Why Millennials Are Turning to Minimalism

The minimalism lifestyle movement has been around for decades. However, it’s regaining popularity with millennials for a variety of reasons, including saving money and reducing expenses. Downsizing provides many benefits in addition to creating an uncluttered space.

The topic of millennials downsizing has been buzzing for years on a variety of high profile news sites and television programs, including "The Wall Street Journal," "TIME" and "Bloomberg." Living on less, reducing waste and saving money for experiences rather than stuff are all popular movements with young adults.

  580 Hits

12 Best Ways for Managing Your Time in Retirement

Retirement gives you limitless options for how to spend your time. All that free time is great, but it takes work to manage your time when you have so much of it. Preparing for retirement can be simple. These tips structure your time to make things easier and help you get more done.

  649 Hits

5 Self-Made Millionaires and Productivity: What’s Their Secret?

If you have a career goal, you might face obstacles trying to achieve it. Productivity can falter as you enter a dog-eat-dog world. At your low points, it’s important to remember success is achievable and others have done it before.

It’s hard to become a self-made millionaire or billionaire, especially when so many try. So what is the secret of rich people? Does it come down to luck? 

Successful entrepreneurs can stay productive through their struggles. Here are the secrets five millionaires learned along the way.

  538 Hits

What Are the Main Sources of Infection That Exist in Your Workplace?

Infection in the workplace is all too common — with so many people moving around and touching things, exposure to coughs and colds is simply unavoidable. Yet, work is integral to our daily lives, something we can't decide to forgo in the name of health. Knowing the sources of infection in the office and how to prevent illness are crucial for your performance at work and the company's bottom line.

  744 Hits

How Fly Fishing Can Help Reduce Cortisol

Self-care looks different for everyone — some choose scented candles and warm bubble baths, while others take casual walks in nature. Then some prefer grabbing their rod and tackle box for an afternoon of fly fishing. Although it may not be your first option, fly fishing is an ideal remedy when you're under high stress.

In fact, one of the benefits of fly fishing is it can help reduce cortisol levels in the body. Of course, if you have little water experience, you might ask yourself, "What is fly fishing anyway?" Here's everything you need to know about this relaxing activity and how it can improve your health and well-being.

  647 Hits

Life After Brain Injury: Lift Your Spirit With These 5 Tips

Recovering from a brain injury is unlike any other rehab process. The brain is the most complex organ in the body, containing our talents, memories and personalities. A traumatic injury changes you in many ways. How can you regain your old life after the rehab stage? Follow these five steps to lift your spirits and rediscover your former self.

  633 Hits

Which Writing Skills Are Most Important in the Modern-Day Workplace?

Employers want to know their applicants’ hard skills. You could be skilled in accounting, computers, graphic design, and patient care. Some talents apply to specific industries, but others transcend sectors. 

An excellent example is writing. Strong writing shows you have solid communication skills. Here’s why writing is an important talent to have in business and why you should focus on developing it.

  686 Hits

Why Your Blood Type Should be the Map to Your Diet: Types AB, B, O, & A 

The blood type diet is when you eat according to your blood type to decrease the risk of chronic illness and improve overall health. There are four blood types — AB, B, O, and A. Each has a specific diet to follow to promote digestion, weight loss, and increased energy.

Here is why your blood type should be the map to your diet and food suggestions to follow. Learn about how to eat right for your blood type.

  1074 Hits

Feeling Unmotivated? 3 Tips to Start Living Your Best Life

Everyone has goals for themselves. You might want to achieve a specific job, start a family or become a version of yourself that you’d prefer. The only challenge is that somewhere along the way, you lost the motivation that made you desire those goals in the first place.

If you’re feeling unmotivated in life, you’re not alone. Anyone can use these tips to start living their best life and maintain the ambition they’ll need to reach their goals. Think about what would most improve your life to transform your sense of drive — starting today.

  1085 Hits

Leaving a Fracture Untreated: What You Should Know

During a rough game of football, your shin gradually starts to ache more and more, until you almost can’t bear to put weight on it. Though you don’t recall a specific moment where your leg snapped or bent the wrong way, it’s starting to hurt terribly and you’re pretty sure it’s broken.

But do you really need to visit a doctor? Do small fractures heal on their own? Here’s what you should know about leaving a fracture untreated and why it’s always a good idea to get it checked out.

  754 Hits

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